Hi ManKeer,

It is strange i have both replied to your emails. Anyway find below my first email:

Hi Mahmoud,

We have analyzed the various information you sent us, and what seems to emerge from the analysis is that the client experienced a disconnection after entering the STALLED state at around 11:54.
This happened because it did not receive anything from the server within the configured timeouts.
After that, the session recovery failed, and subsequently, there were several unsuccessful attempts to create a new session for the reason 'User/password check failed.'
Comparing the chart you attached, a plausible hypothesis is that the server experienced a connectivity gap of about two minutes, which likely also caused issues with the adapters. In fact, no further updates were received, and even credential checks failed. Can you check if you had any systemic issues on the network of that server?
Could you please send us the complete server log for the time interval from 11:54:00 to 11:57:30?
