Hi Vinayak Singh,

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what exactly your needs are.

The minimal command to launch the Ligthstreamer server without use one of our scripts is:
1. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the home directory of the Lightstreamer server.
2. Run the command "java -cp "lightstreamer.jar;lib/*;lib/log/*;lib/core/*;lib/adapters/*;lib/proxy/*" com.lightstreamer.LS conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml" to start the server.
3. The Lightstreamer server will start and begin listening for connections on port 8080 by default.

In any case, please go through the LS.bat command file in "bin\windows", to double check all the system and environment configuration we apply.

But I don't know if this is what you really wanted to know, or maybe you needed more information on the possibility of launching Lightstreamer as a windows service or as a docker image.
