A more complex but still minimal starting point is the remote version of the StockListDemo Data Adapter.
The example uses a basic .NET Metadata Adapter (LiteralBasedProvider) which is provided by the library, but concentrates on the Data Adapter.
You can also start developing your own Data Adapter as a replacement for the demo one, while still leaning on the LiteralBasedProvider.

See DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_dotnet\examples\Remote_StockListD emo_Adapters.
It is introduced in DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_dotnet\doc\DotNet Adapters.pdf (notes on logging are also included).
With these guidelines, you can setup a .NET project that includes the supplied source files and libraries.
By default, the project should produce a new dll, to be loaded by the provided DotNetServer_N2.exe
To simplify debugging of the code, it is advisable that you follow chapter 1.5 of the doc, which lets you have the entry point of the Remote Server process ìnside your project, bypassing DotNetServer_N2.exe.