I already tried that here (same configuration Win7+ SL4) both with the online version and a version hosted by my local Lightstreamer server and in those cases the browser did shut gracefully down after a very short while, as you described.

My client looks actually like the SL demo, but there is a substantial difference: I've put together a mechanism that automatically reconnects to the Lightstreamer server in case the connection is lost (basically by attempting a reconnection in a while if the previous connection attempt failed or an existing connection is dropped).

Please look at the file I attached to my first post. I believe that the only object that can keep a connection to a LS server alive is the LSClient class: is that correct?. In my case, I have two instances of LSClient that have strong reference. The one I suspect to be the culprit of the issue is actually alive only on the stack of a "SessionActivitymanager" thread (thread 43 in the report), while the other one is kept alive on another "SessionActivitymanager" thread (thread 45). No other threads - notably, application threads or background threads explicitly spawned by my application - are referencing any LSClient class.

What I imagine is that, for some reason, the fact that two LSClient are actually instanced prevents somehow those threads from shutting down.

Can you confirm this?

Coming to your question
> If not, is there any other sequence of actions that triggers the issue (preferably based on the online demo)?
I have not been able to identify yet a specific sequence of actions. It would seem that establishing a connection to a Lightstreamer server is enough to trigger that behaviour, but I do not have yet a specific sequence.

Please let me know your findings or if you would like me to perform more specific tests.

Thank you,

Should this analysis fail to yield results, might I propose to enhance the LSClient class with a "Dispose" or "Shutdown" method which would abort the service threads and release the resources? Or to provide an option to have SL API spawn "background" threads, that do not keep a process alive when exiting?