
You understand perfectly
In our API there are 3 ways to link a PushPage with an lsengine.html page; those methods are an extension of each other to make the stuff to do simpler.
In the order you find
setEngineReference - loadEngine - loadEngineMinimal
btw, while the setEngineReference is still unique in his features and must be used in some cases (eg when you have more than one page with PushPage objects), loadEngine and loadEngineMinimal are completely equivalent.
The loadEngineMinimal was in fact introduced to avoid the needs for another js file (lsengine_config.js) in your application.

Quote Originally Posted by smartboy
Ok, when does loadEngineMinimal make sense and when does loadEngine?
As you prefer
Quote Originally Posted by smartboy
Does loadEngineMinimal need less memory / cpu!?
No there aren't differences.
Quote Originally Posted by smartboy
Why does the dojo-demo use loadEngineMinimal and not loadEngine? Would the demo not work with loadEngine?
Demos developed before the introduction of loadEngineMinimal make use of loadEngine, while newer demos use loadEngineMinimal, that's all.