Hi beeg98,

Please note that the "Monitoring Dashboard" is the factory HTML client that shows statistics provided by the internal Monitor Adapter. Please refer to section 4.2.1 "An Internal Data Adapter: The Monitoring Data Adapter" of General Concepts documentation for further details.
That said, you can consume this information in other modes. The most suitable for integration with third-party monitoring systems are:

  1. LightstreamerMonitorText and LightstreamerMonitorTAB loggers. LightstreamerMonitorText logs statistics with a human-readable syntax and LightstreamerMonitorTAB logs with a CSV syntax. The frequency of the samples produced by the internal monitoring system is based on the level specified for each logger; in particular:
    • at TRACE level, all samples are logged (suggested);
    • at DEBUG level, one sample out of 10 is logged;
    • at INFO level, one sample out of 60 is logged;
    • at a higher level, no log is produced.

    This is indicated for historical analyzes, for example you could redirect the LightstreamerMonitorTAB logger to a dedicated daily-rolling file.

  2. JMX API interface (optional feature) - Exposes the most complete set of information and can be consulted via a specific tab in "Monitoring Dashboard". But was designed primarily to be integrated with custom or 3rd party monitoring systems (JMXMP or RMI protocol). Please refer to: http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/se...api/index.html

Please let us know if you need any further clarifications.
