Consider that our sample Adapters may have not been written focusing on multiple instantiation.
Also consider that the various Adapters are not loaded by the Server through different ClassLoaders, hence the instances are not protected from one another.
So, we assume that you have checked for possible issues.

Are you using two independent Data Generators? Do they supply items with different names? Are they also extensions of Lightstreamer Demo Data Generator?
Please, provide us with some DEBUG level log from both the Adapters and the Simulators.

About user specific data, you can use user-specific item names.
Note that the Data Adapter has no knowledge of the users, but the user-specific item names should allow it to find the related data.
The Metadata Adapter has full control over the item names, hence you can either:
  • force the clients to use user-specific item names and refuse, from getItems, requests that are not consistent with the current user (the whole request would be refused, but this would only occur for hacked requests)
  • use placeholder item names for client requests and decorate the names into user-specific item names in getItems