ok here's the thing. I'm simulating ECG (electrocardiogram) and I get a set of numbers ranging from -1 to 1. In adapter I send ONLY that value. No timestamp or anything. Value is generated (read from file or outside source) every 0.01 second. I managed to accept the data and I get it. But now I need to plot that line so that we can see how nice our heart beats. The thing is - bandwith is not a problem - since we're using our own servers and network (very powerfull - My college works with Ericsson ) with very high capped bandwith. I got evaluation version of Lightstreamer Vivace. This project I'm working on will be long past done by the time license expires. And when I present the results decision will be made about buying the license.

Anyway I got carried away... I used the source from number 1 in your earlier post and copied the part which uses the graph. Problem is graph recieves two parameters. Timestamp on X axis and price on Y. Y axis is trivial since I just use the value I get but as for X axis I don't have timestamp... And I don't use schema as well. I just get one value so there's no sense in using schema for that. (I changed the range of X axis to 120 seconds since that is the amount of data we have. And Y axis is between -2 and 2 just so we have some breathing space)