Hi, Thank you for reminding us of this pending thread.
We overcame the issue short time later, although in a tricky way, to avoid altering the interface.

Now, if you gather some information on the user in notifyUser, you can have this information passed to the subsequent and corresponding invocation of notifyNewSession by leveraging the "httpHeaders" Map.
In fact, we guarantee (and document) that the "HTTP_HEADERS" Map that is contained in the "clientContext" Map received by notifyNewSession is the same instance as the "HttpHeaders" Map received by notifyUser.

So, you can use that Map as a bridge and overload it with any other data computed in notifyUser.
In the rare cases in which notifyUser is not followed by notifyNewSession because of errors in the middle, the Map will be garbage-collected.

We hope that this is manageable in most cases.