Hi Dario.

Now I have it working in both, IE7 and Firefox 2.

To recap, and for those who run into "Unable to find the engine" error, here's what I found.

I have LS Moderato in a server that also hosts a test IIS v6 web server. I created a C# data adapter per the guidelines of the demo projects and an aspx .NET application deployed on IIS. I used VS2005 and .NET framework 2.0.

In the server's hosts file I have: web.aagtestdom.com push.web.aagtestdom.com

I tried with " push.aagtestdom.com" and it works as well.

Client code in the .aspx page.:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var page = new PushPage();
page.onEngineCreation = function(engine)
engine.connection.setLSHost("push.web.aagtestdom.c om");
page.createEngine("CBOFlightPublisher", "JSLib", "SHARE_SESSION");
var pushtable = new OverwriteTable(null, null, "MERGE");
page.addTable(pushtable, "EventTargetTable");

The rest of the code is the same as provided from the LS' website.

To test this from a different machine, I created the same entries in the hosts file of that machine to resolve to the LS/IIS web server:

xxx.xxx.234.206 web.aagtestdom.com
xxx.xxx.234.206 push.web.aagtestdom.com

Next, I'm going to try creating DNS entries in our network to do the same mapping, so we can test these apps from any other machine.

The address I use to the to the page is:


JSLib is the folder where lscommons.js and lspushpage.js reside and it's located in the same level as the .NET aspx page.

A word about these files. I started using the files from the Moderato download package, but I noticed that the sample project provided in one of previous replies of this thread included different js files, and only with those my app worked.

The ones from Moderato package have the date of when I installed Moderato, so that's no good, but their sizes are lscommons 45KB and lspushpage 153 KB. The new ones that do work are 49 KB and 168 KB respectively, and are dated 2/24/2009. The error I get in both browsers when using Moderatos' files is "ER bind Unable to find the engine", which made it also confusing with the domain management problem.

If you want me to post the files, let me know how I can upload them.

Thank you Mone and Dario for your guidance, patience and the examples provided.

If I may have one last question. Could you point me to the document(s) or forum threads that talk about how to get events in non-visible HTML tags on which you can trap events like "onchange" to execute different sets of javascript code based on the data received before they are posted to the browser?

Thanks again.