Hi Guillermo,

first of all I suggest you to replace one of your entry in your hosts file (to be used to access the web server) as follows:
archtst1.test.alaskaair.com -> web.archtst1.test.alaskaair.com
this will avoid issues with IE that has problems when one of the host names (web server or lightstreamer server) is equal to the domain set.

Did you try the application with firefox? If not, it could be that the only problem was the one above.

Apart from that your engine creation seems ok.
About createEngine parameters,
the first one is a random name, you can use what you want as it is used only to match different applications in the same browser so that they can share one single connection to Lightstreamer server (see createEngine documentation for further details).
the other one is the path of lightstreamer js libraries. Such path should be relative to the page that creates the engine (i.e. is the same path you use to include the lspushapge.js and lscommons.js files).

It should not be important, but where is the engine creation code in your page?

As the ASP.NET framework makes its own server-side parsing of the page please check how the page reaches the client.

Please take also a look at our ASP.NET client example.