Hi, and thanks for the quick response.

I'm using LS Moderato as a proof of concept for my company. The .NET adapter is version 1.5.3331.32630. The Lightstreamer Web Client Library is version 4.3.1 build 1355.3.

I've noticed that the behavior is erratic. I followed the thread suggested and tried different combinations for this instruction:

page.createEngine("CBOFlightPublisher", "JSLib", "SHARE_SESSION");

I've tried: "JSLib", "\JSLib", ".\JSLib", "/JSLib", "./JSLib", "JSLib/", "/JSLib/", and others, but the errors vary between the one described before and "ER bind Unable to find the engine".

And these errors happen even when I use only one format, for example: "JSLib". If I start a new browser, this latter error shows up, but if I refresh the browser, the former error shows up.

By the way, "JSLib" is the folder where I have the LS JavaScript libraries and it's located in the root folder of the ASP.NET app.

Just to verify, in the above instruction I'm referencing "CBOFlightPublisher", which is the name of the class that implements IDataProvider. Is this correct? Or should I use a different name, like the adapter's name that is described in adapters.xml?