Ok, the exact message is:
<INFO> Refused Request: Session error: Unsupported function from ipxxxx : xxxxport

This is my function from the push page:
function sendMessage(message)
and I am calling that function from Flex.

When it goes into debug the ls is the LS Engine object. So, that''s not a problem.
I think I need to do something on the server to make it work. Looks like it is the last piece of the puzzle to have my solution working.
Here is my .net code:
DataProviderServer server = new DataProviderServer();
server.Adapter = new SocketToLightStreamer();

MetadataProviderServer serverMeta = new MetadataProviderServer();
serverMeta.Adapter = new Lightstreamer.Adapters.Metadata.LiteralBasedProvid er();

TcpClient reqrepSocket = new TcpClient(host, reqrepPort);
server.RequestStream = reqrepSocket.GetStream();
server.ReplyStream = reqrepSocket.GetStream();

TcpClient notifSocket = new TcpClient(host, notifPort);
server.NotifyStream = notifSocket.GetStream();


I am trying to understand what you are suggesting about both data adapter and meta data adapter working together but still not sure how to do that.

Thanks for your help.