
The DynaGrid does not have any event to signal that it is complete because it is actually never complete: at any time you can add a new row to the grid.

I have two suggestions, let us know if you can solve your issue with these:
  • per each update the DynaGrid fires an onVisualUpdate event on its DynaGridListener. The first time the event is fired for a certain key corresponds to the moment a new row is entering the grid. The event is fired right before the new html is added to the page but the html that is going to be added is passed as a parameter to the callback. Would you be able to act there? See http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/cl...onVisualUpdate
  • If you know beforehand how many rows your grid will have you may use a StaticGrid instead of using a DynaGrid. This way you'll statically prepare the html for the grid.