Hi Skidrow406,
I'm not sure understand your question, but in my opion, u mean (see picture below) :
You have 2 schema (something like that) :
var schema = ["last_price", "time", "_change", "bid1vol", "bid1", "ask1", "ask1vol", "min", "max", "ref_price", "open_price", "stock_symbol", "ceiling" , "floor", "bid2vol", ...,"item_status"];

var schema2 = ["vnindex", "idxVol", "idxVal","idxchange", "item_status"];


I think u need created 2 class :
public class IndexProducer

private IExternalFeedListener _listener;

public IndexProducer(Int32 vnIndex, Int64 TotalShare, Int64 TotalValue, Int32 idxTime)

public void SetFeedListener(IExternalFeedListener listener)
lock (this)
_listener = listener;

public IDictionary GetCurrentValues(bool fullData)
lock (this)
IDictionary eventData = new Hashtable();

if (fullData)
return eventData;



public class ExternalFeedProducer

private IExternalFeedListener _listener;

public ExternalFeedProducer(string name, Int32 openPrice, ... string status)



public string GetItemName() {
return _itemName;

public void SetFeedListener(IExternalFeedListener listener) {
lock (this) {
_listener = listener;

public IDictionary GetCurrentValues(bool fullData)
ReadINIFile settings;
lock (this)
IDictionary eventData = new Hashtable();


if (fullData)


return eventData;

And then
public void Run()


//for each stock
for (int i=0; i < nStock; i++)
//create an IDictionary to store all field name/value pairs associate the IDictionary to the stock name in _snaps
string itemName= "item" + (i + 1);

ExternalFeedProducer myProducer = new ExternalFeedProducer(itemName, _openprices[i], .., _status[i]);

_stockGenerators[itemName]= myProducer;

//call onEvent on the listener and send the IDictionary
_listener.OnEvent(myProducer.GetItemName(), myProducer.GetCurrentValues(true), true);

//for each Index
for (int i=0; i < nStock; i++)
//create an IDictionary to store all field name/value pairs associate the IDictionary to the stock name in _snaps
string itemName= "indexItem" + (i + 1);

IndexProducer myProducer = new IndexProducer (itemName,...);

_stockGenerators[itemName]= myProducer;

//call onEvent on the listener and send the IDictionary
_listener.OnEvent(myProducer.GetItemName(), myProducer.GetCurrentValues(true), true);


That's right?