All this stuff is only for the StockList demo and may not be needed in your application.
Let me just briefly resume the field meaning:
  • Extra field 16 is used to implement the arrow, based on the current value of "pct_change". To avoid formatting issues, we just test whether a "-" sign is present in the text value.
    The field has been associated to push cells. If you change the field to 116, you should also change
    in the preceding HTML code.
  • Extra field 14 is used to set the cell background color according to the variation of "last_price". We can compute the variation only in "updateItem", so we store the color here and take it back in "formatValues" to set it on the cells.
    If you change the field to 114, you have to do it in both methods.
  • Extra field 15 is used to control cell fading, which is not enabled in the standard version of the demo (i.e. "doFade" is false). Cell fading is requested in "formatValues" through the "setHotToColdTime" method. As we want to suppress fading for the very first value, we can only get this information in "updateItem", so we store it in an extra field and take it back in "formatValues".
    If you change the field to 115, you have to do it in both methods.
  • Field 13 is the "item_status", which is used only by the JMS version of the demo Data Adapter to notify that the connection is temporarily unavailable. The page uses this information to make the cells grey in that case.
    It is not an extra field and should left it as 13, unless you add your own fields before.

The specific way each field is formatted and shown on the demo page depends only on specific front-end requirements.
