Hi , my approach was wrong , now i create a table and i pass static values to the cells ,
then i create two Maps holding the positions [item=index] and [fields = index]
so onUpdate i get the indexes and i know which cell to update on my model table

but actually now i have stack , what i want is on updated_cell to change the background foreground colors depends the old and new value

with DefaultTableCellRenderer i have only the new value of the cell on class
how i can get to DefaultTableCellRenderer the old and the new value of the item_field so to change the colors depends the prices !!??

i have try to change the
getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
getTableCellRendererComponent(table, OLDvalue,NEWvalue, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);

but looks not working right

in demos the java client change the colors to yellow only for o while and its not depends by the old and new values
