
With eclipse 3.3 (but it should be similar with any IDE)

Install Lightstreamer and remove from LS_HOME/Adapters/StockList the lib folder.

Obviously create a project with the sources.

Add lightstreamer.jar and ls-adapter-interface.jar to the build path of the project: right click on the project -> properties -> Java Build Path -> Librearies folder -> Add External JARs. You can find those jars on the LS_HOME/lib folder. Now the project should not show any compile error.

Create a launch configuration: Run -> Open Debug Dialog -> Double click on Java application. A new launch configuration is created. Now we should configure it:
  • "Main" folder -> As main class set "com.lightstreamer.LS"
  • "Arguments" folder -> as Program arguments set "conf/lightstreamer_conf.xml"
  • "Arguments" folder -> as VM Arguments add "-Dlightstreamer.native.path=lib/native"
    [Just in case you use a JVM 1.5 or older]
  • "Arguments" folder -> as VM Arguments add "-Xms64M -Xmx512M" (you can configure those values as you like or omit them completely)
  • "Arguments" folder -> as Working directory set the LS_HOME path (in my case "C:\Programs\Lightstreamer")
  • "Classpath" folder -> click on user entries and then click on Add External JARs. Select all the jars located under LS_HOME/lib (but not lightstreamer.jar and ls-adapter-interface.jar that are already on the classpath)
Click debug and you're ready to debug your adpater running inside Lightstreamer.

Hope that helps.
Let me know if I forgot something or some clarification is needed.