thanks a lot for the information Gianluca.

I have checked Stock List for iOS Demo, I modified almost everything in the app even I added two buttons, one for stop and other for start.
I guess, I am miss something about delegate or something like that, because I use the same structure which is used in Demo about unsubscribe and it doesn't work, I don't know what else could I check.

About the LSConnection It works fine, thanks. I just one to tell you if you have seen a mistake when you use LSConnection. Because it show me an error when i use it, it says something about the connection to push server, is not ready and then the app crash it.

this is the method where i declared;

- (void) connectToLightstreamer
_client= [[LSClient alloc] init];
LSConnectionConstraints *constraints= [[LSConnectionConstraints alloc] init];
constraints.maxBandwidth= 10.0;
LSConnectionInfo *connectionInfo= [LSConnectionInfo connectionInfoWithPushServerURL:SERVER_URL pushServerControlURL:nil user:nil password:nil adapter:@"EMISORAS"];
[_client openConnectionWithInfo:connectionInfo delegate:self];
[_client changeConnectionWithConstraints:constraints];

kind regards!!