
Type: Posts; User: chickendev

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  1. Thanks a lot for your supports. I have my...

    Thanks a lot for your supports. I have my solution
    Have a good day <3
  2. One more question. In my first quest,...

    One more question. In my first quest, MetaDataAdapter have a func named notifyUserMessage, will trigger when call sendMessage() from client. In case have a million message send to same time....
  3. Thanks so much for your answer. It help me a lot...

    Thanks so much for your answer. It help me a lot <3
  4. And I have some projects that push some data to...

    And I have some projects that push some data to private address.
    As I know, to push data to Lightstreamer, need setup my external api as Lightstreamer client and send data via SendMessage().
    But I...
  5. How to receive message from client without MetaDataAdapter config

    Hi, I want to ask
    I create simple chat project and I dont want setup MetaDataAdapter for some reason
    I see on Figure 2 in General Concepts and see that DATA PROVIDER can sent data direct to DATA...
Results 1 to 5 of 5
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