
Type: Posts; User: chickendev

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  1. Replies

    Thanks for reply, but I want to ask, why my...

    Thanks for reply, but I want to ask, why my client cant receive real-time data ? Because from server sides my FeedSimulator still working and update data. What problems here. Again, I am using...
  2. Replies

    Thanks for reply, another question, sry: In 1,...

    Thanks for reply, another question, sry:
    In 1, you said that: If the Data Adapter replies false, the Data Adapter can start pushing real-time events right away.
    But from client, I got Keep Alive...
  3. Replies

    In case my client not request initial snapshot...

    In case my client not request initial snapshot value. From server side, in DataAdapter, subscribe function not support sendSnapshot value & IsSnapshotAvailable func return false. Why my client cant...
  4. Replies

    And, if I don't have any client subscribe before,...

    And, if I don't have any client subscribe before, no data base, no default value. After reinstall lightstreamer & restart server, first client request snapshot, it can receive snapshot data ? in this...
  5. Replies

    Another question, if we can set isSnapshot when...

    Another question, if we can set isSnapshot when updateEvent. What is the real role of the Preprocessor when processing Snapshots?
  6. Thanks for your support

    Thanks for your support <3
  7. Replies

    Snapshot is a flag or value?

    Please help me explain to it, make me confuse a lot.
    In a lot of your example, i saw when feed simulator generate new value and call OnEvent(), isSnapshot always true, I understand because it is...
  8. Can I apply conditions before filter in filtered mode ?

    Same as title, I have simple example here:
    I have a game, player can win a lot of money when play a mini game. I want to nofify to all clients that: Hey, playerA got 5B dollars from this mini...
  9. Replies

    Thanks for supports, its name in General Concepts...

    Thanks for supports, its name in General Concepts & Product Page make me confuse :((
    Hope update soon. <3
  10. Replies

    What is value of grantedMaxFrequency ?

    Same title, I want to ask, what is value of grantedMaxFrequency ?

    I found it in General Concepts, page 27. In this line:

    maxFrequenxy=min(allowedMaxFrequency, requestedMaxFrequency,...
  11. Thanks a lot for your supports. I have my...

    Thanks a lot for your supports. I have my solution
    Have a good day <3
  12. One more question. In my first quest,...

    One more question. In my first quest, MetaDataAdapter have a func named notifyUserMessage, will trigger when call sendMessage() from client. In case have a million message send to same time....
  13. Thanks so much for your answer. It help me a lot...

    Thanks so much for your answer. It help me a lot <3
  14. And I have some projects that push some data to...

    And I have some projects that push some data to private address.
    As I know, to push data to Lightstreamer, need setup my external api as Lightstreamer client and send data via SendMessage().
    But I...
  15. How to receive message from client without MetaDataAdapter config

    Hi, I want to ask
    I create simple chat project and I dont want setup MetaDataAdapter for some reason
    I see on Figure 2 in General Concepts and see that DATA PROVIDER can sent data direct to DATA...
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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